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ALITI Productions & Talent Agency (USA | UAE) if pleased to announce its partnership with Quick Roadways Passenger Transport LLC.

Transportation will now be made available to Talent wishing to attend our ALITI P&T Talent Development Sessions, Workshops, Activities and Events.

All trips will come with the following:

  1. 15-Seater Bus
  2. ALITI P&T representative to chaperone all trips
  3. Professional Driver
  4. Insurance for all passengers

Transportation Company: Quick Roadways Passenger Transport LLC

Round-trip transportation will be provided to all passengers as the following rate:

Per Day: 30AED (Round-trip) per seat

Per Month: 100AED per seat (4 round-trips only)

Pick-up & Drop-off Location: Deira City Centre

Wait Time: 15mins

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Saturday Talent Development Sessions:

Pick-Up Time: 1PM

Drop-Off Time: 7PM

Pick-up & Drop-off Location: Deira City Centre


Per Day: 30AED (Round-trip)

Per Month: 100AED

All payments must be in cash and paid in full and up-front before using the bus.


Talent Name(s)*

Parent/ Guardian Name:


Email Address*

Transportation Service For:*

Transportation registration for:*

Talent Age(s):*


By checking this box, you agree to the non-refundable up-front CASH payment of $8.17USD (30AED) per seat and per ride to use our provided ALITI P&T Private Transportation with pick-up & drop-off at Deira CC with 15mins wait time maximum by the driver. You further agree the non-refundable monthly payment of 100AED ($30.00USD) can be paid in cash or online and is valid for 4 trips only.

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